๐จ Attention DRS Community! ๐จ
We've noticed that many accounts (see the list below) have incorrectly set their trustlines for Darisium (DRS).
โ Correct Trustline Limit: 100,000,000,000 (100B)
โ Incorrect Limit Found: 10,000,000,000 (10B)
โ Correct Token name: DRS (all uppercase)
โ Incorrect Token Name : Drs or drs
โ Correct Flag Set: Set No Ripple
To fix this, please follow these steps:
Your support keeps the ecosystem strong! Thank you! ๐๐
The table is updated every 24 hours (last update 2025-02-23 07:22 UTC/GMT+1)
Flags must be corrected on these accounts to "Set No Ripple"
Remove the existing trustline in by going to Account -> Assets and removing the trustline. Then, create the trustline again with the correct flag "Set No Ripple". Make sure to set the token name and currency limit correct.
XRP Address |
rV4g2f142fXbmsyCxJn3uhPbsTmLVq937 |
rnx1FV5gUiW5JegvpTeXMrA17BpbNKaH9e |
rH1p6vPyGw6tCZrPb5VY755PxyyZX1v77c |
Currency limit must be corrected to 100 000 000 000 (100 B) on these accounts
Remove the existing trustline in by going to Account -> Assets and removing the trustline. Then, create the trustline again with the correct currency limit. Make sure to set the token name correct and check the Flags โ it must be set to "Set No Ripple".
XRP Address |
rU2yiXWw547kEfzsh8vUg1DgyeW8wExJMB |
rH2TFTMax1rB6SStBH16N17i9xMqUGjMPY |
rMtBMgmgavK2SBJnXg7uTnEvzVg1fBz8VG |
r3e25ZLJNNRn6ugPqTGpLwM3GTAQ73mVVy |
rJJa5xXARTFyFu53DxYT2dJN5MUp7Cxg88 |
rUUpiJpgJ3RCGhTFSoezB7fnYMfF4tdezi |
rQrELfXJvPPmtnDrPB6QbYt8f3f6dynSZx |
rByoqSek7Gwh4fbdPm75GeHTn6Ve4refVb |
rJpTgMhJ7mXHzUt6gfTsfS5HANL3P4uQZ7 |
rnSofztKUT7ro9ArTJvbeuyi5AyfaGKeRy |
The token name must be "DRS" (uppercase letters), not "Drs" or "drs".
Remove the existing trustline in by going to Account -> Assets and removing the trustline. Then, create the trustline again with the correct token name. Make sure to set the correct currency limit and check the Flags โ it must be set to "Set No Ripple".
XRP Address |
rpqxFECVGfrqbagPpEPR7J9jEoZiRGVQmM |
rKfsKL2EFh6onGZ7SwikK8AfmCu4Bp8kyL |
rwKbAqCZ345d2wf7pNz3ZQn8VKfwqUWEVR |
rEcG56VKhzy7jRFU1FnoyKwnZDkZqSNPsq |
rJVmZw4aVhazUS2MtcPVcLEV4AgrAjXLFy |
rKyvi7z1EDkHyRGKBJiQteQsupoDgTDYns |
rLyEQpdpXXC83CTZNPx7XKoJhnwKfHF4za |
rnywMyhwRi9XWWHfAbJEs2qjYfZxGp2NCH |
rQfyXyxk2Qk9q328GpTkCUG2xeR82pnXRU |
rLWy7Qq8LJio6zJUsgG6ZifS5T6avtHZo9 |
rHZCiZ7VU3kswc5wjGy9FGWRdMthnz7YRo |
rN7NFiHQukGyksbuWhZHv5E9mWDc8Mc8m6 |
rJgr4v2VsazTTspDtTpvAazfWr62WqbNMZ |
rsmjhaaTzaEGfEYXDAPRSD8267r8gfJ62D |
r3Q9KfzYfASC1P3d5QDyDYfAnZz2LiiNZs |
rUSr6v7uDs94HAZp2A4d5CUZaZLXuFhqXz |
rJs363XSpWpVVMKcdckmz4e9UhuLV61rjL |
rKPuTDxgrLeUBAAg98etBot9rGFxNHN7kw |
rnGiJxCSRwtsX4zTMKXyEv8BboHb15kUkD |
rhNNb7yxvTugEXiitV7YUPPM4pg3EhGF2N |
rp1VXfD8CKYAdyVYjepdFhGJxDVBhEhEJf |
rnVYyrLPBudjDq6Q5tWrEYpeFdbNhdWgrT |
rwHRCtxZ1qT8yzKgvMbKY5bSiztYQr3eg6 |
rBQcwQ5xnHMTi3JFppYTRRCq27Zjf2hTn1 |